Επαγγελματίες σε όλο τον κόσμο εμπιστεύονται την κορυφαία σειρά των βραβευμένων αναλυτών σύστασης σώματος InBody.
Αναρωτηθήκατε ποτέ από τι είμαστε φτιαγμένοι; Δείτε το βίντεο σχετικά με το ανθρώπινο σώμα και το τετραπλό τμηματικό μοντέλο ανάλυσης
Δείτε πως μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε την ανάλυση σύστασης σώματος για να αξιολογήσετε το ανοσοποιητικό σύστημα, μέσω εξατομικευμένων μετρήσεων για τους πελάτες/ασθενείς.
When it comes to your health, most of the focus is on body fat and muscle mass, which is important. But not to be overlooked is your body water. Water...
When it comes to malnutrition, most the focus—and rightly so—is on severe malnutrition in developing countries where lack of access to food has tragic consequences. This condition can have debilitating...
At dinner last night, one slice of chocolate cake somehow turned into half a cake… Today, you stuffed yourself with five buttery rolls at the office potluck. That wouldn’t have...
Men have been working out to increase muscle mass for decades. Every generation comes up with new phrases that refer to this phenomenon, such as getting “ripped” or “swole” or...
If there’s one thing everyone can agree on, it’s that no one likes being sick. What if there was something you could do to improve your health and reduce your...
You probably don’t think about your body composition when you’re thinking about your metabolism. But you should. You probably think about it in terms of speed: “My metabolism is fast”...
There’s an oft-used saying that “abs are made in the kitchen.” The underlying theory, for those who haven’t heard this before, is that what you eat is more important than...
So you started working out and lowered your overall body fat. First off, congratulations should be in order! Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight despite life’s occasional curveballs is something...
Think about how long you sit in a day. It’s probably something you have never tracked, but on average Americans spend more than half their waking hours sitting! Between sitting...
A widely-known but often misunderstood disease is steadily overtaking an increasing portion of the U.S. population. In this country, more than one-third of adults are at a high risk for...
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